8 år ago

Team LGB joins the lineup

Earlier today team Expert informed us that two of their players can not make the tournament at Dreamhack Winter in Jönköping Sweden and they unfortunately have to decline the invite they have received. We reached out to the next team in the online qualification. LGB just now confirmed that their team are ready to participate […]

Earlier today team Expert informed us that two of their players can not make the tournament at Dreamhack Winter in Jönköping Sweden and they unfortunately have to decline the invite they have received.

We reached out to the next team in the online qualification. LGB just now confirmed that their team are ready to participate and happily accept the invite.

Team LGB
Team Property
Team Potatis
Team Reason gaming
Team Nox Melos

These six teams will attend the final tournament that will run at Dreamhack 24th November 11:00 to 21:00 and 25th November 11:00 to late afternoon.

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