Invites to Dreamhack done

The Online Qualifier for the ESU Razer CS:GO Female Tournament at Dreamhack have been finalized earlier today. The OC started with 20 signed up female teams from all over Europe. The tournament ended with Team Property and Team Potatis taking the two slots inforn of teams like LGB (Norway), NOX (Turky), Crowns (Sweden) and Shiftplay […]

Direct invited teams for the ESU Razer CS:GO Ladies Tournament

Late last night the final list of direct invited team to the ESU Razer CS:GO Ladies Tournament at Dreamhack have been confirmed. We are all happy to announce that the followingfour  teams will come to Dreamhack in Sweden next month: Team expert Reason DOYOUEVEN MILLENIUM The two last slots, will be decided by the online qualifier […]

Online qualification up and prize pool increased

The ESU RAZER CS:GO LADIES TOURNAMENT 2016 (ONLINE QUALIFIER) has been opened and you can now register for it over at Razer Arena. Deadline for registration is Friday 21 October 21:00. The OQ will hold a maximum of 32 teams and will run from 22th to 23th October. Double elimination bo1, where upper/lower bracket final will run […]

Prize pool confirmed for CS:GO Ladies Tournament at DHW2016 (updated)

Last week we announced that ESU will together with partners hold a CS:GO Ladies Tournament at this years Dreamhack Winter 2016. It has now been confirmed that the LAN-tournament will be held in the Dreamhack Expo hall on the 24th to 25th November 2016 and casted on-site by King of Nordic. Running Bo1 double elimination with upper and lower […]

Application for direct invite CS:GO Ladies at Dreamhack Winter 2016

To attend the Esport United Razer CS:GO Tournament at Dreamhack Winter 2016 there are two ways. Get one of the two invite slots by participating in the online qualification the 22-23 October. Or apply in the below attached form to inform us that you wish to acquire a direct invite to the LAN-tournament instead of […]

Problem med kontaktformulär

Vi har idag upptäckt att det varit ett fel med vårt kontaktformulär på hemsidan. Problemet har bestått i att den mailadress som de personer som kontaktat oss ej har skickats vidare till oss. Detta har gjort att vi har ingen möjlighet att återkoppla till de som hört av sig till oss. Därför ber vi de […]

Dreamhack Master Malmö 2016

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_image admin_label=”Bild” src=”” show_in_lightbox=”off” url_new_window=”off” use_overlay=”off” animation=”fade_in” sticky=”off” align=”left” force_fullwidth=”off” always_center_on_mobile=”on” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] [/et_pb_image][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] Dreamhack höll i ett högklassigt CS:GO event som höll hus i Sveriges 3e största stad Malmö. 16 av världens bästa CS:GO lag fick göra upp i Malmö om att bli korade […]

Copenhagen Games 2016

CPHG 2016   Esport United gjorde ett litet besök på Copenhagen Games 2016 som var mellan 23-26e mars. Ett lan med mycket potential och möjlighet att växa sig stort och bli danmakrs största lan och är i den danska huvudstaden Köpenhamn som också ligger nära till alla i skåne. Lanet bjöd på en del Esport […]